INTRODUCTION I've put together this archive since Cryptoburners have shown no interest whatsoever in my work. (There's 4 months since I sent them my last work.) I'm now getting fed up and releases the stuff as it is. The disclaimer in the AmigaGuide documentation still yields. 8) A fixed replay for ProTracker has been highly wanted for quite a while, but none seemed to be able to do anything except making a module-packer? :O Well, finally it's here. Since I didn't get any response from Cryptoburners, I had to make my own decisions regarding what to include in the documentation and in this package. ARCHIVE CONTENTS ReadMe.txt - This file. - ProTracker AmigaGuide (tm) documentation. - MagicWB icon for the above. ProTrackerRep.S - A (finally!) fixed replay for ProTracker modules. TrackerTool - A command to fix ProTracker modules. FUTURE If Allah allows, future releases will contain a modulepacker with a replay supporting separate samplefiles, mastervolume, delta-processed samples, CIA tempo, 68020+ optimizations, pause, rewind/fast forward, replay 4 channel modules on 2 real audiochannels and allowing the programmer to select how many channels of the module to play. All these features may be conditionally let out at assembly time. In fact, the replay is nearly finished (only the channel-mix stuff lacks), but the modulepacker (supposed to be built into TrackerTool) bugs bigtime. The replay is said to take about 4 lines on an A500, but since I've got A1230 50MHz, I'm not able to check thisout myself. (It uses less than one line on my machine!) LAST WORDS Please spread this archive to all of your friends and enemies. The scene really deserves a working PT-replay. =) If you want to contact me for anything, please do. My address is found in the AmigaGuide documentation. Sorry for not having E-Mail, it will (hopefully) come with time. (You might occasionally find me at IRC-channel #AMIGA with the nick "Howard", though.) -- Howard of Mental Diseases -- /*EOB*/